After Iran, Turkey agree on gas export increase, how much?

Iran's ambassador to Turkey announced that the two countries reached an agreement to increase Iranian gas export to Turkey. The idea of increasing Iranian gas export volume to Turkey has existed for several years, but lack of infrastructure, dispute over price, lack of surplus gas in Iran, as well as imposed sanctions on this country prolonged the negotiations. Iran's Ambassador to Ankara Ali-Reza Bigdeli told reporters on June 23 “Iran and Turkey have reached agreement in principle on increase in the amount of gas flow from Iran to Turkey as well as relative discount Iran gives to the country”. His statement came after Turkey rejected Iran's proposal in April to give Turkey a discount if the volume on gas export doubles. Last year, Iran exported 9.76 billion cubic meters (bcm) of gas to Turkey, based on an agreement signed in 1996. Turkey has filed two complaints with the International Court of Arbitration accusing Iran of overcharging as well as citing the ...