Solid energy prices in Iran until March 2016

Iranian government undertakes about $80 billion energy subsidy annually, more than the country's total exports. However, the figures on Iran next fiscal year's budget, which will begin on March 2015, indicate almost no change in energy prices compared to the current level. The Iranian government has increased the energy carriers prices twice since 2010 based on implementation of a Subsidy Reform plan, but cheap energy still motivates people to consume more energy. Energy carrier USD current exchange rate: 35,400 rials Global prices (NYMEX-2014/2015) Consumption Per day A cm of gas 2.8 cent 11 to 16 cent 500 to 520 mcm A liter of gasoline 28.6 cent 57 to 75 cent 67 million liter A liter of LPG 6.26 cent 21 to 37 cent 5,500 tons A liter of diesel 13.43 cent 67 to 78 cent 100 to 105 million liters A liter of Kerosene 4.47 cent 48 to 64 cent 8 million liters A cm of CNG 16.53 cent 27 cent 18 mcm Electricity ...