Failure to isolate Iran like Cuba

İsraeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman's dream on introduction of "paralyzing" sanctions and blockade with regards to Iran upon the example of the measures taken in 1960 by the United States against Cuba is not feasible because Tehran has a higher level of force. Despite West's dissatisfaction with the actions of the "waltzing" with the world community Iran, which takes two steps back after one steps forward on the issue of the nuclear program, introducing "paralyzing" sanctions against the Islamic Republic is not possible, and the discussed option of war is pathos, like the threat of nuclear attack on Vietnam by Nixon in 1968. According to the Foreign Minister of Israel, the U.S. can overthrow the regime in Iran, using direct "paralyzing" sanctions. And Lieberman, citing the example of the embargo, declared in 1960 by ex-President Eisenhower with regards to Cuba, "advised" Obama to take similar measures in the energy secto...