NAM countries and Iranian president's New York hopes
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton warned the Iranian President Ahmadinejad that he should not distract the attention of the conference regarding Treaty on Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons ( NPT ), which will be held in New York, from its main goals. But this conference is the most suitable moment for the Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to fully get prepared to oppose against the nuclear policies of the West and Israel. It is not expectable that the Iranian president, who at every opportunity attacks on the West and Israel, will sit at this meeting silent. The conference, which will begin on May 3, within 30 days will discuss the prevention of the proliferation of nuclear weapons, disarmament and the use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. On all three items of the conference, Ahmadinejad can criticize the West and Israel. If to consider the negative attitude of Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) regarding the nuclear program of Israel, Ahmadinejad can gain their support....