Unveiling nuclear tests at Iran’s Parchin complex - then what?

Two rounds of negotiation in a month between Iran and the International Atomic Energy Agency(IAEA) led to nothing, because Iran who had announced the IAEA delegation had not planned to inspect nuclear facilities, were confronted whilst visiting the Parchin Military Complex at their request. Parchin, of course is not a new matter, In June 2004, the IAEA wanted Tehran to allow inspectors to see this military complex that lies 30 kilometres southeast of Tehran. This giant complex consists of several army research centres, where it develops and produces ammunition, missiles, and high explosives. Recently in November 2011, IAEA Chief Yukia Amano said during a report that he suspected that Parchin was the site where explosives relate to nuclear weapons being tested in recent years. Mr Amano reported that Iran built a large, cylindrical chamber at Parchin in 2000 that was designed to contain the force of up to 70 kg of high explosives. In 2004, rumours arose around this subject that Iran has ...