Iran's neighbors extract 9 times more from joint oil fields

Iran has 15 joint oilfields with its Arab neighbors The joint oilfields' production accounts for less than 10 per cent of Iran's current total oil output. The development process of Iran's three joint oilfields with Saudi Arabia including Arash, Esfandiar, and Farzad is currently slow, the Managing Director of National Iranian Oil Company Roknoddin Javadi said, adding that Iran currently produces 252,000 barrels of oil at its joint oilfields with neighboring counties. Javadi told the Iranian Mehr News Agency on January 24 that the country also produces 283 million cubic meters of gross gas at its joint [South Pars] gas field. Iran produces some 283 million cubic meters of gross gas per day at 10 phases of the gas field. Some 200 million cubic meters of the mentioned amount is being transferred to the national gas network, while the rest is being injected to the oil wells or being fed to the petrochemical complexes. According to BP's reports, Qatar produces ...