A glance at Iran's real non-oil trade

Iran Custom Administration says the country's non-oil export decreased by 7.7 percent to $2.731 billion, while imports plunged 8.23 percent to $1.971 billion during last Iranian calendar month (March 21 to April 21). The report, released on May 1 put gas condensate in export items. Gas condensate, also known as ultra-light oil- shares about one fourth of the country's total non-oil exports. The latest statistics released by Trade Promotion Organization of Iran (TPOI) indicates that the total amount of Iran's non-oil exports during last fiscal year was $61,760 billion, about 20 percent more than the previous year. A glance on the details of this report shows that oil-related raw commodities have a huge share in the total "non-oil" exports. For instance, gas condensate export increased by 36 percent to above $14 billion during the last fiscal year. Or, the value of propane, butane, methanol, polyethylene and bitumen exports was about $8 billion, whi...