Iran-Pak gas pipeline more achievable than TAPI

The Pakistani Federal Cabinet's final approval of the Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline construction on Wednesday is a long step towards realising an Iranian gas supply to its eastern neighbour, but not necessarily against the TAPI pipeline with Turkmen origin gas. Looking at the facts that Iran's gas trade balance is negative, its new gas extraction projects have faced long delays and also the rate of gas consumption in the country is faster than the gas production rate, it seems that buying gas from Iran is more beneficial for Pakistan. Firstly, the gas delivery was scheduled for 2015. Iranian giant South Pars gas field has five phases including 12, 15, 16, 17 and 18 and with an above 70 per cent progress would come on stream in next few years. The amount of Iran's first stage gas delivery has been set at only 7.8 bcm per year. This volume equals to one South Pars phase's production level. On the other hand the costs of construction on the Iran-Pak Pipeline (Peac...