Iran's energy consumption ups by 164 million barrels of OE

Iran's actual primary energy consumption rose significantly, despite dropping liquid fuels consumption, according to the National Iranian Oil Refining and Distribution Company report covering the last fiscal year's energy statistics released Mar 3, Iran's fiscal year starts on March 21. The report says that the consumption level of all kind of primary energy carriers increased, with the exception of kerosene and fuel oil. The overall actual energy consumption during the mentioned period reached 1,546 million barrels of oil equivalent (OE). The 316-page report says that Iran's primary energy consumption increased more than 155 percent during the last decade. However, the report doesn't take into account energy wasted by flaring gas, gas re-injections, etc. The amount of flaring gas in Iran reaches 32 million cubic meters per day (mcm/d), while about 77 to 90 mcm/d is re-injected to old oil wells. However, the Iranian officials statements, as well a...