Strange details of Iranian current year budget bill

The Integration Committee of the Iranian parliament (Majlis) has approved some details of Ahmadinejad government's proposed current year budget bill. The ratification of the months -delayed submitted budget bill to the Iranian parliament has been under discussion while it passed a month from the beginning the Iran's new solar year (started on March 20). The Integration Committee approved a 4.040 million daily oil output and set a price of $85 per a barrel in the budget yesterday. Setting $85 per a barrel in budget bill is logical, but there are serious doubts on Iran's ability to produce above four million barrels oil per day. According to OPEC statistics, Iran's oil output dropped to 3.424 mbpd in March 2012, indicating a decrease of 631, 000 barrels compared to 2008. Most of Iran's oil fields are on their second half life and according to official statements, the production level from existing producing oil wells decreases by 300,000 barrels annually. On the other...