Iran, IAEA talks different, but no result yet

Tehran's two-day negotiation with the International Atomic Energy Agency held at the office of the Iran envoy to IAEA, Ali Asghar Soltanieh at least has not failed, but what was achieved? Soltanieh said that the nuclear talks were "constructive", while IAEA deputy director general and head of the Department of Safeguards, Herman Nackaerts, who had twice banned visits in January to the Iranian Parchin Military Base told reporters that "the two sides will meet again in Vienna on May 21 for more talks". Expanding the talks time shows that Iran-IAEA didn't achieved any framework method to cooperate on some disputed issues including defining a means to allow Agency inspectors to visit an iron container at Parchin, which is alleged to be aiding Iran to make high explosive tests and related to nuclear weapon production. This is quite a complicated issue, with regard to the fact that the six major powers and IAEA called on Iran to seriously consider all...