Iran’s embargo target - Revolution, war or impeding A-bomb?

New sanctions imposed by the U.S. and the European Union will significantly damage the Iranian weakened economy, which has seen 50 percent-drop in national currency value over the past 12 months, especially during the last month, but still no changes is observed in Iran's nuclear ambitions, which is the final target of paralyzing sanctions. Iran with a population of 77.5 million people, just 3.2 percent of GDP growth, based on International Monetary Fund's stats, and $4.525 GDP per capita (i.e. 2.3 times less than neighboring Turkey with similar population or even 6, 6.7 and 7.5 times respectively less than European more critical economies such as Greece, Spain and Italy which are Iran's major oil buyers in the West), is suffering heavy consequences of his nuclear ambitions and so-called "intractable behavior" by the West countries. Iran's oil production has fallen from 4,072.6 mbpd in 2006 to 3,531 mbpd in December 2011, i.e. dropping 541,000 b...