TAPI gas transportation project’s fate is unpredictable

In recent years, due to yearly increasing demand for natural gas in India the country's activity in search of import sources of this type of fuel has markedly intensified. According to experts forecast, gas consumption in India will increase twice in the coming years. At present, 45.58 billion cubic meters from India's total gas consumption in the amount of 57.32 billion cubic meters, is provided by domestic sources. The remaining amount of gas is ensured by imports of liquefied gas, including by purchasing five billion cubic meters of LNG from Qatar - the largest producer of liquefied gas. However, despite the substitution of the deficient amounts of gas at the expense of LNG, Delhi considers several options for laying pipelines. These projects include: put forward even in the 1990s TAPI ( Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India ), gas pipeline "Peace" (Iran-Pakistan-India), MBI (Myanmar-Bangladesh-India), as well as an underwater gas pipeline from Qatar or Oma...