Iran: preparing for food vs. oil sanctions

Iran's economic performance for 2012 was composed of alarming indicators for Iranians. An 0.9 economic contraction, 27.4 per cent inflation rate, 14 per cent unemployment, 50 per cent decrease in oil exports which shared 87.9 per cent of the country's total exports in 2011, increasing bad loans to $60 billion and increasing liquidity to around $350 billion. Now the Iranian government headed by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad whose rule will finish in six months, has new disputed economic plans. According to a Mehr News Agency report, the government wants to issue 17 million 'food cards' for poorer citizens aimed to support them with oil, rice, sugar and probably meat and chicken. The Iranian government reportedly agreed with parliament to pay a monthly sum of between 800, 000 to 1000, 000 rials to very poor families as well. Several days ago,the government and parliament agreed to allocate $2 billion from the National Development Fund (NDF) to provide staple foods for 15 million...