Oil role pales in Iran’s next year budget

The Iranian government is preparing the next solar year budget to submit to the Parliament, but reportedly with significant difference from current year budget in details. Iran is expected to sell $ 81 billion oil, condensate and gas during current solar year, according to the budget law, which shares 17.5 percent of $461 billion-budget (based on official USD rate in Iran, 1226 rials, and also considered $85 per barrel). The current state budget relies $53 billion worth income on petroleum, but according to Iranian president's deputy on budget issues Rahim Mambini, the administration wants to decrease budgets' dependence on oil by 30 to 40 percent in next year. Earlier, the head of budget commission in the Parliament Gholam-Reza Mesbahi Moghaddam said that the government aimed to consider 1 million barrels drop in oil export in next year budget bill. Some 1 million barrels per day decrease in oil export means losing $40 billion oil incomes in a year. How can Ira...