India approaches US, willing to keep relations with Iran

India , whose energy demands grow every year, imports 350,000 barrels of oil per day from Iran and the trade turnover between two countries is about $13 billion per year (10 billion in the sphere of energy). Also, India cooperates with Israel in the military sphere and with the United States in the nuclear. Thus, it is difficult to determine on which side Delhi is, although the country's activities over the past five years suggest that it is gradually moving closer to the United States, but at the same time trying not to lose Iran as an alley. "Tehran has lost confidence in Delhi over the nuclear issue. We think that Delhi has taken a negative stance against Tehran ," Deputy Chairman of the Iranian Foreign Ministry's Research Center Mohammad Bagher Khorramshad told Ilna news agency Feb.22. Being a member of the IAEA board, India has so far voted for two resolutions against Iran. The IAEA's new Secretary General Yukiya Amano prepared a report on Iran's n...