Iran leaps to minimize liquid fuel usage in power plants
Supplying liquid fuels to Iran's power plants decreased 2.5 times during last 45 days to 10 million liters per day. Director of the supply and distribution division at NIOPDC, Hossein Aghayan told Shana May 13 that during the last four days, Iran supplied 3 million liters of fuel oil as well as 7 million liters diesel to power plants respectively. During Iran’s last fiscal year, which ended March 20, liquid fuels burning in the power sector also increased dramatically. The country increased gas supply to power plants by 33.6 percent to about 49 billion cubic meters per annum (bcm/a) and decreased fuel oil and gasoline consumption by 32.6 percent to 28.1 million liters per day and 24.2 percent to 25.3 million liters per day in last fiscal year. Iran is to increase natural gas delivery to power plants to 57 bcm in current year. Iran reportedly increased gas production capacity by 100 mcm/d last year and wants to increase the volume in same pace during the current year. H...