Rouhani chooses oil committee staff from all political wings

Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani set up a committee tasked with ratifying Iran’s oil deals on November 27. Headed by Mohammad Forouzandeh, former chief of staff of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), the staff including several top officials of former hardliner president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, would monitor oil deals. The staff members are Davoud Daneshjafari, economy minister of Ahmadinejad, Ghoalhossein Nouzari, oil minister of Ahmadinejad and several figures close the current government including Houshang Naderian, Mohammad Mir-Mohammadi and Gholamreza Shafei. The committee will monitor the compliance of new oil deals proposed by the Oil Ministry with the regulations instated by the country’s cabinet. The new committee staff implies that Rouhani wants to include the representatives of all political wings in the new oil and gas deals with foreigners, to reduce the opposition’s ideas for the new designed oil contracts, called Iran Petroleum Contract (IPC...