By Dalga khatinoglu Tehran and its potential customers have shown interest in gas deals at home and abroad once the sanctions on Iran have been lifted. But some buyers will be disappointed. Production of dry gas and associated gas will eventually reach 1.11bn m³/d on the basis of what is already planned, while demand at home and abroad totals 1.13bn m³ in the shorter term. Iran has contracts with Iraq, Oman and Pakistan to export 50mn m/d, 28mn m 3 /d and 22mn m 3 /d in the coming years. It already exports 28mn m³/d to Turkey; while on the credit side are 20mn m³/d from Turkmenistan. Iran also wants to export gas to Europe using floating LNG plants, and liquefying gas for export either at home or using spare capacity in Oman. But none of these projects are expected to be realized by 2018. On top of that, it needs more gas than ever for use at home: to enhance oil recovery; to grow its large foreign currency-earning petrochemicals sector; to replace other fuels in the...