A glance at Iran's power sector in last fiscal year

Iran's power sector consumes about 400 million barrels of oil equivalent per year, sharing about one fourth of total primary energy usage in the country. The latest weekly statistics, released on Energy Ministry's official website which covers statistics of last fiscal year, ended on March 21, indicate huge changes in the power sector, but not fundamentally. According to the report, released on April 6, Iran has increased 2.871 GW power generation capacity including about 1.6-GW gas power plants, a 0.64-GW combined cycle power plant as well as a 0.52-GW hydroelectric power plant. However the actual power generation level increased by only 1.98 GW. Power sector Last fiscal year Y/Y change Last year Two year ago Gas consumption (bcm) 48.978 33.6% 36.224 40.692 Diesel consumption (billion liters) 9.231 -24.2% 12.592 7.767 Fuel oil consumption (billion liters) 10.281 -32.6% 15.308 14.45 Actual power generation (GW) 56.856 ...