Historic record in Iran's electricity consumption

Iran's power consumption hit a historic record on June 21, reaching 47.344 gigawatt (GW). This is the second historic record during the last two weeks and likely will be broken again with the start of summer on June 22.
According to the latest weekly record, published by Iran's Energy Ministry on June 21, the actual power generation capacity of Iran's power plants was 56.856 GW (GW - unit for measuring power). However, Iran has a huge amount of electricity wasted.
There is a huge power loss during the transmission and distribution process, which reaches around 56 billion Kwh (kWh - unit for measuring energy) , or more than 20 percent of total actual electricity energy generation capacity. Iran's actual electricity production level during a period from March 20 to June 12 stood at 276.1 billion kWh. However, Iran consumed 218.933 billion kWh, while the country's net electricity export reached 885 million kWh, during this period.
During last fiscal year, ended on March 21, Iran added 2.87 GW to its power generation capacity, while for the current year growth in production of some 2.5 GW power is planned.
Besides wasting the electricity in the network, the other major problem in Iran's power sector is the low efficiency of the country's power plants, which stands at 37 percent.
Among 10 thermal power plants, which is planned to become operational during the current year, only two power plants are combined cycle power plants with about 45 percent efficiency.
Iran has aimed to change all of gas thermal power plants with 31 percent efficiency into combined power plants (CCPP). CCPPs share currently about 25.28 percent of the country's total power generation capacity.
During the last fiscal year, Iran decreased electricity export by 14 percent to a 9.95 billion kWh, while its electricity import increased by 2 percent to 3.769 billion kWh.
However, among the negative indicators, Iran succeeded to decrease liquid fuel burning in power plants that share about 40 percent of the country's CO2 emissions.
Iran increased gas delivery to power plants by more than 17 percent during March 21 to June 12. Power sector consumed about 28 percent of Iran’s total gas production last year, but the country wants to increase its gas feed to power plants to curb liquid fuel consumption in electricity generation sector.
According to a weekly report of Iran Energy Ministry, Iran delivered 14.146 billion cubic meters (bcm) of natural gas to power plants from March 21 to June 12, which indicate a 17.7 percent increase year-to-year.
Iran had delivered about 49 bcm of natural gas to power plants during last year, while this figure was 37 bcm in the previous fiscal year. Iran plans to increase this volume to 57 bcm in the current fiscal year.


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