Ruling coalition forms "Unification Committee" without Ahmadinejad

Iranian ruling Conservatives Coalition formed "Unification Committee" without inviting and involving Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s representatives.
This Committee is aimed at unifying conservatives to direct the participation and competition of representatives in next parliamentary election scheduled for March 2012, reported Fars News Agency.
This Committee has been formed by influent conservative representatives close to Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khomeini such as Secretary-General of the Islamic Coalition Party Habibullah Asgaroladi, Khamenei's advisor Ali Akbar Velayati and former Speaker Gholamhossein Haddad Adel.
The contradictories between Ahmadinejad and Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei began earlier on Iranian Information Minister Heidar Moslehi’s sacking by Ahmadinejad. Khameni did not allow Ahmadinejad to sack Moslehi and then Ahmadinejad abstained from participating at work for two weeks.
After that, several Ahmadinejad’s government senior officials including Aras Free Trade Zone managing director Alireza Moghimi, head of the Iranian Ervend Free Trade Zone Ali Asgar Perhizkar and the former Deputy Foreign Minister for Administrative and Financial Affairs Mohammad Sharif Malekzadeh and the head of Iran's National Museum Azadeh Ardakani were arrested.
"More senior officials have been arrested because of accusation of corruption and endangering national security," quoted Prosecutor General of Iran Gholam Hossein Mohsen-Ejei on Monday.
All of them are close with the former head of the presidential administration, Chief of Staff of the Presidential Office Esfandiyar Rahim Mashaei.
Ayatollah Khamenei's supporters accuse some senior officials among President Ahmadinejad's entourage in Iran, including head of the Iranian Presidential Administration Esfandiyar Rahim Mashaei, of subversive activities. They claimed that the perpetrators of these acts want to remove Supreme Spiritual Leader Ayatollah Khamenei from politics.
The Unification Committee has 15 members and the list of members was published on Tuesday, but no one represents part of conservatives wing who are close to Ahmadinejad.
Unification Committee consists of two 7-member and 8-member groups. The first group which was named "Inspectorate and Judgment committee" consists of 4 representatives of two major cleric societies namely Association of Combatant Clerics and Society of Seminary Teachers of Qom. The other three members are Asgaroladi, Velayati and Haddad Adel.
The second 8-member group consists of various conservative groups’ representatives.
Vice Speaker Mohammad Reza Bahonar and former Foreign Minster Manoucher Mottaki represent "Corp of Followers of Imam and Leader Line".
Hossein Fadai with Alireza Zakani and Mortaza Agha Tehrani with another one whose name has not been announced represent other two major conservative coalitions.
MP Kazem Jalali represents Speaker Ali Larijani and the head of Islamic Development Organization Mehdi Khamooshi represents Tehran mayor Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf.
Vice Speaker Bahonar said earlier that anymore there is no politic corp. with the name of "defenders of Ahmadinejd".
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