Iran seeks official recognition of its authority: Trend News commentator

Iran says it has designed new package of proposals for the UN Security Council permanent members. This is second package of proposals designed by Iran for West. President Mahmoud Ahmadinjead said the next package of proposals "was announced taken into consideration international processes and conditions".
Last year UN Security Council permanent members submitted Tehran package of proposals to halt the most sensible part of Iran's nuclear program - uranium enrichment. The proposals included an item on assisting Iran in supply of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes and economic concessions. In fact, Iran did not pay attention to West's proposals. Iran is not actually interested in economic concessions. He is expected to be more interested in strategic concessions.
Iran claims nuclear program is developed for peaceful purposes. The same statements were made also by Russia, China, India and even North Korea who at last presented the carefree international community with a fait accompli. However, it is less convincing that Iran is going to produce nuclear weapon. This is simply political bluff. If Tehran's ties with West are stalled, there are few hopes that Iran will win the game.
The West can force Tehran to use other options to make its nuclear program transparent. BBC reported on April 22 that several members of the U.S. congress have designed a bill to suspend petrol sale to Iran. Iran gains 60 percent of export revenues from oil sale. About 40 percent of petrol is imported from abroad. These two strategic fields are Achilles' heel for Iran. Israel can easily bomb Iran's oil plants and the U.S. and its European allies can prevent petrol import to Iran. It is noticeable that suspending petrol import means to declare a war.
On April 22, IRNA news agency of Iran published Tehran's statement composed of four items for the West. If have a look at package of proposals Iran addressed to the West in 2008, one can se that Iran announced to the 'Six' that the country is ready to cooperate to solve problem of terrorism, drug trafficking and economy to establish peace and stability in the region (Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon and other countries) and other global problems. The problems between West and Iran had noting to do with these proposals. I believe Iran wants only one thing from West - official recognition of country's deciding role in international affairs and increased authority.
Iranian government does not play a game. Iran wants to obtain not nuclear weapon, but know-how to produce it. It will add to Iran's weight in Iran-West discussions.
The West can neutralize Iran's strategic demand and reconcile. Will Israel and Arab states agree? Of course, not. The only way out the situation is Iran's joining additional protocol of NPT (Non-Proliferation Treaty), transparency of its nuclear program, halting threats towards Israel and the most important - to improve ties with Arab countries. Iran is less likely to be able and to want to implement any of these projects. Internal domestic forces are less likely to allow it to happen. The West does not know what to do with Iran while Iran does not know itself what steps to take.
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