Iran and West: waltz of wroth sides

While Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad states that "Iran is ready to govern the world", the White House warned that the possibility given to Tehran will soon expire. The West accuses Iran of developing nuclear weapons, supporting terrorism and dictatorship, but Tehran believes the Western countries are trying to overthrow the country's government. All these testify the ambiguity of hopes to hold constructive talks between the two warring sides. If Iran acquires nuclear weapons, it will be because of the fear from the West. Thus, it is unknown how Iran and the West will come to an agreement. At first glance, there is only one option to address this issue - Tehran's adoption of Additional Protocol. According to the Additional Protocol approved by the IAEA in 1997, the Agency inspectors may conduct an investigation on the Iranian nuclear sites at any time convenient to them. However, this does not give any guarantees. First, Iran can build a secret nuclear facility ...